Foundation series

Foundation series

Our Foundation Series health insurance plans are designed for people who want to be able to access the best medical care in SE Asia. They are highly flexible so that customers can choose the level of outpatient benefit they prefer giving them greater control of their health insurance.

Plans are available from 500,000,000 to 2,000,000,000 VND in coverage and have worldwide treatment area.

All plans have personal accident and a preventative health benefit.

Download Foundation Series Brochure HERE.

Download Foundation Series Policy Wording HERE.


  • Free Choice of doctors and hospitals
  • Worldwide Cover
  • Recreational Sports coverage
  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Preventative Health Benefit
  • Personal Accident Coverage included
  • Guaranteed renewability regardless of age, medical condition or location
  • Extensive Direct Billing network in Vietnam
  • Alternative Medicine Coverage


The #1 rated insurance company in

  • Standard


    • Maximum Benefit For Any ONE Disability and Sequelae - Covers normal, usual and customary charges, per disability per lifetime
    • Treatment Area: Worldwide


    • Maximum Benefit For Any ONE Disability and Sequelae - Covers normal, usual and customary charges, per disability per lifetime
    • Treatment Area: Worldwide


    • Maximum Benefit For Any ONE Disability and Sequelae - Covers normal, usual and customary charges, per disability per lifetime
    • Treatment Area: Worldwide

Inpatient Benefits

Covers normal, usual and customary charges for:

Room and Board (standard room) Semi-Private up to 2,000,000/day (Private in Vietnam) Semi-Private up to 3,000,000/day (Private in Vietnam) Semi-Private up to 4,000,000/day (Private in Vietnam)
Parent Accommodation – An extra bed in the same room for a parent accompanying an insured child under 18 years old Up to limit of Room & Board of the Insured Person
Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Care Unit – 15 days maximum per disability per year 3,000,000/day 5,000,000/day 7,000,000/day
Physician’s Daily Hospital Visit As Charged
Specialist’s Fee As Charged
Operating Room 20,000,000 per operation As Charged As Charged
Surgeon’s Fee – Includes pre-surgical assessment and normal post-surgical care for each operation 100,000,000 per operation 200,000,000 per operation 240,000,000 per operation
Anaesthetist’s Fee Up to 30% of eligible Surgeon’s Fee
Pre and Post Hospitalization (including Rehabilitation) – Within 30 days before admission and 90 days after discharge up to 10,000,000 per disability per year 15,000,000 per disability per year 20,000,000 per disability per year
Organ Transplant – Fees for kidney, heart, lung, liver and bone marrow transplants (up to 50% for donor and the remaining percentages for recipient, at the option of the Insured Person) to a total of This benefit is a lump sum maximum per organ per lifetime and no other policy benefits are payable in respect of Organ Transplant. 100,000,000 200,000,000 300,000,000
Home Nursing – Immediately after hospitalization and certified to be medically necessary by the attending physician for up to 30 days per disability per year 400,000/day 600,000/day 1,000,000/day
Miscellaneous Inpatient Charges – For required diagnostic laboratory tests, x-rays, prescribed medicines; professional fees; blood and plasma; wheel chair rentals; outpatient surgery; surgical appliances and devices; and intra-operative standard prosthetics (as approved by the Company) 80,000,000 per disability per year 140,000,000 per disability per year 210,000,000 per disability per year
Maternity Benefit – Maximum limit per pregnancy after a 270-days waiting period (90 days for miscarriage and therapeutic abortion) up to When both husband and wife are insured, the limit shall be increased by 50% No 10,000,000 15,000,000
Free New Born cover – A child of an Insured Person is eligible for the same medical plan as the Insured Person after a 270-day waiting period, effective 15 days after the date of birth, or the date of discharge on submission of application to the Company whichever is the later until the Insured Person’s next renewal for free No Included Included
Preventive Health Benefit – Annual limit for routine check-up, vaccinations, appliances, vitamins 1,500,000 2,000,000 3,000,000
Burial and Funeral 6,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
Personal Accident Benefits 30,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000

Emergency Benefits

Subject to the overall maximum limit per disability

Accidental Damage to Teeth – Emergency treatment for up to 7 days following
accidental loss or damage caused to sound natural teeth
10,000,000 per accident 15,000,000 per accident 20,000,000 per accident
Accidental Emergency Outpatient Treatment – For covered accident which has been
treated within 24 hours of the accident by the outpatient department of hospital, clinic, doctor’s office
As Charged
Emergency Local Ambulance Service As Charged
24-Hour Emergency Assistance Services and Emergency Medical Evacuation Service Included
Additional Travel Expenses (following Evacuation) – One economy class airline
ticket to return an Insured Person to the Country of Residence

Outpatient Benefits

Client can choose any plan

Maximum Benefit per year 24,000,000 36,000,000 48,000,000
Outpatient Benefit – Physician and specialists’ fees for office visits,
physiotherapist, and chiropractor when referred by the attending physician; and, for required diagnostic
laboratory tests, x-rays and prescribed medicines
1,500,000/visit 2,000,000/visit 2,500,000/visit
Alternative Medicines – Fees for visits to homeopath, osteopath,
acupuncturist, bonesetter, herbalist and Chinese medicine practitioner; and prescribed herbs up to an
annual limit of

Optional Benefits

Client can choose any plan

Dental Benefit 1 – Covers 80% of normal, usual and customary charges for
Eligible Expenses per year up to VND 5,000,000
Dental Benefit 2 – Covers 80% of normal, usual and customary charges for
Eligible Expenses per year up to VND 10,000,000



Our Foundation Series health insurance plans are designed for people who want to be able to access the best medical care in SE Asia.

Inpatient Benefits

Age 0-5 6-18 19-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
Standard 4,979 4,329 5,994 6,577 7,077 7,631 8,159 9,435 10,684 13,375 16,649 24,974 37,460
Executive 6,128 5,328 7,298 7,909 8,519 9,214 9,907 11,600 13,320 16,345 21,757 32,634 48,951
Premier 7,565 6,577 11,877 12,876 13,903 15,013 15,540 17,649 20,119 24,420 32,190 48,285 72,428

Outpatient Benefits

Age 0-5 6-18 19-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
Standard 4,596 3,996 2,999 3,307 3,495 4,328 4,554 4,810 5,028 5,257 5,525 8,287 12,431
Executive 7,057 6,135 5,190 6,217 6,611 6,942 8,659 9,075 9,547 9,965 10,408 15,612 23,418
Premier 8,684 7,549 6,854 8,214 8,713 9,216 11,464 11,991 12,600 13,181 13,769 20,654 30,981

Optional Benefits

Dental Benefit 1 2,226
Dental Benefit 2 4,007

Discount Available

3-4 Groups of lives
5-10 Groups of lives
11-20 Groups of lives
21 and above Groups of lives

Get life insurance. Get a Wealth Bonus. Get living.

Our Foundation Series health insurance plans are designed for people who want to be able to access the best medical care in SE Asia. They are highly flexible so that customers can choose the level of outpatient benefit they prefer giving them greater control of their health insurance.

Get consultation