Case Management
In a serious medical situation, things can be chaotic – a patient in need of care, loved ones and next of kin in need of answers and medical providers in need of a payment guarantee.
Depending on numerous factors involving each of these parties, this type of situation can easily get out of control, causing frustration and pain for insured persons and those close to them.
Our Case Management function is set up to avoid loss of control in serious medical situations. We assign a case manager and a specialized team, including medical professionals to manage serious medical situations, keeping a patient’s family, employer or any other important person updated on the patient’s situation and how their health insurance policy is being applied in conjunction with the medical provider.
We will clarify how benefits are used, what the insured person is eligible for, and spell out details in plain language for the ease of everyone involved. Paperwork, red tape and confusion are the last things you want to think about in a serious medical situation. Your care is at the forefront, and our Case Management function allows for priorities to be properly met.